Core Values of Cor Meibion De Cymru

  • To promote the Welsh culture of music and song across a national and international platform, through performance, education and publicity.
  • To foster and promote male choral singing generally.
  • To help raise funds for recognised charities and good causes.
  • To foster and promote young Welsh singers and musicians.
  • To promote Welsh businesses through sponsorship and advertising.
  • To promote the mental wellness of choristers and communities, locally.

  • Hyrwyddo diwylliant Cymreig o gerddoriaeth a chân ar draws llwyfan cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol,trwy berfformio,addysg a chyhoeddusrwydd.
  • Meithrin a hybu canu corau Meibion yn gyffredinol.
  • Helpu i godi arian ar gyfer elusennau ac achosion da cydnabeddedig.
  • Meithrin a hyrwyddo cantorion a cherddorion Cymreig ifanc.
  • Hyrwyddo busnesau Cymreig drwy nawdd a hysbysebu.
  • Hyrwyddo lles meddyliol y côr a’r cymunedau.

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